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PostPosted: Sat 19:29, 05 Mar 2011    Post subject:

major hospitals have been implemented as real-name system for registration, treatment, number traffickers can not be reselling the number of experts to change the strategy forward into the ranks of registered reselling a good place, leading team, Recently, due to cold weather, No. trafficking price
person double

linked to the number of experts for the 1:00 to line up

see now ... ... Registered outside the hall in the Beijing Chinese Medicine Hospital, registered a team wrapped in cotton coat,Moncler donna Urn to the parents-in-law sued Express, wearing a cotton cap Song whispered.
Song sixties is linked to the grandson of Pediatrics numbers, arrived at the hospital, he counted himself occupying the front line with the stool, a total of seven.
Mr. Soong said that although the number is the Director of pediatrician She Jilin notoriously difficult to hang, but the eighth was certainly hang of.
traffickers No. stopper from the eighth because of the suddenly, edges, and ranked first in the stools owner hellos, while the hand into the ranks of the benches.
Increasingly seeing more stools in front, Song and other registered people relegated to the back.

She Jilin Song, director of pediatric to hang every time look at No. 20, early morning queues of people basically come to hang his number, Mr. Soong is the location where the No. 29 can not mount the.
No. dealer double the eighth position in which, out of the price.

and the Beijing Chinese Medicine Hospital, like city traders number of other serious problems in hospitals,giubbotti moncler, but also radiate a large number of dealers increased number of trends. Registered team, good at least the first 20 positions are occupied by No. traffickers.
number of other hospitals traffickers No.

Hospital Name 10.11 11.4

Union Hospital 21 33

Beijing Maternity Hospital 26 55
Beijing Children's Hospital,Piumini Moncler, 9 22

Tongren Hospital, 7 16

Beiyisanyuan 5 14

price doubled

No bogus sales prices have gone up double the money to buy

go to hand from his pocket and took out 100 yuan.
Amazed to see the young man's eyes, the Northeast men quickly explained: see you, to save waiting. fourth place in the team to
No. traffickers made to double the number of experts sought financial cold

According to the young man introduced his wife to do regularly at the Beijing Maternity Hospital antenatal check at the beginning and also his to line up,Moncler have been famous when we talk about the fashion world Moncler sale shop offer moncler coats – shop for a variety of moncler products, but with the expected date approaches, check into a week from once a month once every two or three o'clock in the morning to queue up is too much to change the hands of traffickers to buy from a number number.
previous obstetric number does not pick the words of experts has been a 100, but this time asked the name of the 3 dealers, all offer 200, doubled.

in Union Hospital,Piumini Moncler, in October asking price of 800 yuan a resolution of the immune specialist Tang Fulin, was called the traffickers No. 1500, do not bargain.
addition, including the Beijing Children's Hospital, Tongren Hospital,女孩患怪病8年来天天打自己 父母将其双手捆绑, the number of experts, including general, has also been increased from 300-400 to 500-700 million dollars.
No dealer can

and Endocrinology Kexiao new 300 500

Gynecology, Union Hospital, 300 yuan 400 yuan Xu Ling

Beijing Chinese Medicine Hospital pediatric She Jilin 300 500
Neurology, Beijing Children's Hospital, Jiangsu and Shanghai 1,800 yuan to 2,000 yuan students

Note: The number of all experts, the normal price of 14 yuan

business is good
maternity hospital clinic before the numbers had the hospital door.

At this point, the hall could not see the registration number shuttle traders figure in the crowd, registered teams are mainly middle-aged women from the field, into the young men and Tingzheduzi pregnant women, only the hall but also have first entered the hospital two or three people who leaned quietly approached.
Children's Hospital No. 10 opened down the next day

Chinese Medicine Hospital in Beijing, a number traffickers, said the location of only two left their own hands, do not buy simply despise the day of disease.
10:00, Beijing Children's Hospital East Gate of the name is still seven or eight dealers in the activity, but they are already selling the next day's number, morning, afternoon, the number is already sold out.
7:30 to hide before the police Beijing Maternity Hospital, urged a number of patients that pay traffickers.
It is accompanied by his wife who had done many times in the Beijing Maternity Hospital prospective father introduced examinations, usually around 7:30, there will be staff of the security personnel and police to the hospital out-patient visits hall, No dealer has already done at a time when the sale, collect the money leave.

catch traffickers may take advantage of No After one month, the number in front of the major hospitals significantly reduced traffickers. However, beginning in October, the number has gradually increased traffickers, the current year the number has reached its peak.
Chinese Medicine Hospital in Beijing, about 5 o'clock am, the queue has disappeared.
same situation also appears in Tongren Hospital, Beiyisanyuan.
apparently, to escape the police in combating the current trading hours No traffickers have been referred to law enforcement officials before dawn, not at work.
PostPosted: Tue 12:39, 01 Mar 2011    Post subject: 民警为保护


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